Churchill Borough
Home MenuBorough Budget Documents
About the Borough Budget
Adopting an annual operating budget is one of the main fiscal responsibilities of a Borough Council. In doing so, the Council creates a spending plan for the anticipated revenue it will receive in the coming year.
The Borough Budget, while adopted once a year, is a yearlong process that involves the cycle of preparation, adopted, implementation, and then management.
The Borough's primary sources of recurring revenue are Real Estate Tax (61.48%) and Earned Income Tax (19.42%), which combine to account for 80.90% of the Borough’s revenues. Additional revenue is derived from other taxes, permits, fines, interest, grants and other non-tax revenue.
The Borough’s major program expenditures include Police Services (44.41%) and Public Works Functions (28.71%), which combine to account for 73.12% of the Borough’s expenditures. Additional expenditures include general government expenses, storm sewer maintenance and repair, and contributions to supporting entities that allow the Borough to fulfill its mission.
Borough Audit Reports
The Borough of Churchill conducts an annual independent audit of all their financial accounts each year. The audit is conducted by Hosack, Specht, Muetzel & Wood, LLP, Certified Public Accountants employed by the Churchill Borough Council that includes:
- Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
- Auditor’s Responsibility
- Opinions
- Report on Supplementary and Other Information
- Basis of Accounting
- Financial Highlights
- Borough Funds